1-on-1 Chem Tutors for Students in Dr. Banerjee's Class Spring 2025
Learn 1-on-1 from a professional tutor with exam expertise in Dr. Banerjee's class! Master chem concepts in tandem with solving exam questions. Your tutor will help you fully gauge Dr. Banerjee's material through study tips, concept scaffolding and exam strategies to ace your next test! Meet as soon as tomorrow!
Dr. Priyanka Banerjee
Auburn Auburn University, Auburn Spring 2025
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Dr. Banerjee's Exam Style
BCHE 3200 Points Breakdown
Where Do These Stats Come From?
My grading estimates are based on actual exam/final averages and curve cutoffs from the most recent semester she taught BCHE 3200. This info is coming soon, or tutor with me today for faster access!
Drop Rate
Coming soon.
Exam Averages
Coming soon.
Exam Points
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
Study Tips for BCHE 3200 Exams
Ask Questions
Be bold and ask direct questions when you're stuck - there's value in wrong answers so you can recognize and avoid them.
Don’t Cram
Plan ahead at least 2 weeks. Study by chapter so you absorb in digestible chunks.
Avoid Distractions
Silence your phone, videos, and tell family to stop bugging you to create a focused environment.
Why Tutor with Me for Dr. Banerjee's BCHE 3200?
Accelerated Catch Up - If you're behind, I'll do my best to help you catch up 10x faster than studying on your own using my custom resources.
Focus on What's "Actually" Tested - I will emphasize topics that are known to have been historically tested in BCHE 3200 and similar classes around the country. I'll reinforce really important subjects that you'll need to know to pass your exams and get your desired grade.
Exam Tips and Tricks - Learn hundreds of tips and tricks to help you work through Dr. Banerjee's exams quickly and accurately. Don't use shortcuts blindly - tutor with me to understand exactly what you're doing and why!
Learn to Sound Smart with Your Professor - Learn how to shine among your peers by visiting office hours often with "smart" questions ready in hand - I'll teach you how and what questions to ask and get the most out of 1-on-1 face time during Dr. Banerjee's office hours.
Email me: help@aromaticprep.com
Text or Call me: (301) 500-0289
Please include your phone number.