Dr. Kevin Bartlett

UW University of Washington, Seattle Fall 2024

Gain insight on popular concepts Dr. Bartlett most likely tests on his exams. Contact me for 1-on-1 tutoring now to learn new study strategies, access one-of-a-kind resources, and learn hundreds of tips and tricks to help you ace your exams and homework in CHEM 239!

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Dr. Bartlett's Exam Style

Dr. Bartlett's exam questions usually combine 2-5 or more concepts into 1 problem. Reverse problems are common where students must solve them backward. Not all questions are straightforward, and you need to translate "English" into "numbers or formulas."
Most CHEM 239 exams are designed for students to finish, or answer accurately, but usually not BOTH at the same time.
Contact me for regular tutoring ASAP, and I'll help you determine where Dr. Bartlett sources his exam questions, what he emphasizes, and what he excludes from your textbook.
Exceptions-to-the-rule in chemistry and organic chemistry are frequently shown for the first time on exams or briefly mentioned during class, but with no examples.

CHEM 239 Points Breakdown

    • Where Do These Stats Come From?

    My grading estimates are based on actual exam/final averages and curve cutoffs from the most recent semester he taught CHEM 239. This info is coming soon, or tutor with me today for faster access!

      Drop Rate

    Coming soon.

      Exam Averages

    Coming soon.

      Exam Points

    Coming soon.


    Coming soon.

  • Study Tips for CHEM 239 Exams

    Practice Old Exams

    Execute on old exams. Even if you get the wrong answer, you'll learn from your mistakes faster.

    Don’t Cram

    Plan ahead at least 2 weeks. Study by chapter so you absorb in digestible chunks.

    Keep Going

    Re-do a problem 5 times - this helps cement your knowledge, and recall it under high pressure testing environment.

    Why Tutor with Me for Dr. Bartlett's CHEM 239?

    • Learn to Sound Smart with Your Professor - Learn how to shine among your peers by visiting office hours often with "smart" questions ready in hand - I'll teach you how and what questions to ask and get the most out of 1-on-1 face time during Dr. Bartlett's office hours.

      Exam Tips and Tricks - Learn hundreds of tips and tricks to help you work through Dr. Bartlett's exams quickly and accurately. Don't use shortcuts blindly - tutor with me to understand exactly what you're doing and why!

      Access To Joy's Extensive Resources - You'll get access to my entire exam key collection and homework answers relevant and similar to CHEM 239.

      Tech Savvy Tutor - I know the ins and outs of online meeting software, like Zoom, Webex, and Join.me. I'll easily fix your tech issues as well to ensure our session runs smoothly.

  • Email me: help@aromaticprep.com
    Text or Call me: ‪(301) 500-0289‬

    Please include your phone number.