Professional 1-on-1 AP CHEM Tutoring for High School Students
Learn exam strategies in tandem with science concepts commonly tested on the AP CHEM Exam. No Contracts, No Packages, No Minimums, No Monthly Fees. Start learning as soon as tomorrow with an experienced US based tutor! We specialize in all chemistry content retention, Multiple Choice and Free Response testing strategies.
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Exam-like Experience
Practice questions formerly on AP CHEM exams or mimic those exams.
High vs. Low Return Topics
We explain to you which topics are important to study in depth, based on the concepts from past AP CHEM exams.
Avoid Wording Pitfalls
Learn the tricky phrases to watch out for, that are intentionally misleading exam questions designed to trip you up.
Why Tutor With Us?
Our professional 1-on-1 tutors have deep expertise in targeted approach to AP CHEM tutoring, applying our combined college and high school tutoring experiences, to share the best tips and tricks in your personalized learning. Because we don’t require contracts or recurring billing, you only tutor what you need – this is unlike the majority of AP CHEM tutoring companies. This setup keeps us accountable to you at every session, to ensure you end each lesson fulfilled having learned science concepts and exam strategies.

We Constantly Keep Up To Date On The AP CHEM Exam Structure:
In our 1-on-1 sessions, we incorporate the AP Chem updates for the 2024-2025 school year, including updating our own tips and tricks to help students tackle the resequencing of Topics 7.13 (pH and Solubility) and 7.14 (Free Energy of Dissolution).
Periodic Table Trends – What to Watch Out For:
There is always at least 1 question on the exceptions in Periodic Trends.
The most common Periodic Trends include Size, Ionization Energy, Electron Affinity, Electronegativity, and Effective Nuclear Charge. I.E. has 2 groups that go off trend (Columns 12/13 and Columns 15/16), and E.A. have numerous exceptions throughout the Periodic Table.
We Teach You Efficient Studying Techniques:
We help you prioritize concepts that are easier to memorize, versus those that pays off with understanding the big picture concepts.
Learn To Save Time On Exam Day:
We teach you strategies to quickly read and interpret “chemistry specific words”, how to quickly extract the important information and inference facts – all to cut down on test taking time.
ICE Tables:
Around 30% of the exam relates to equilibrium and acids – essentially topics that begin with building an ICE table.
Effect of Lewis Structures:
Around 20% of the exam relates to lewis structures and intermolecular forces – where the correct Lewis structure or IMF is the foundation for more concepts in the rest of the problem.
Specifics on Gas Laws:
1) The ideal gas law is not noted as a topic in the AP exam, but ends up actually being tested on the actual exam!
2) The non-ideal gas law (called Van Der Waals Equation) is only covered conceptually on the test – no calculations needed with a and b factors!
Review Sections In Specific Order to Maximally Retain Knowledge:
Again, due to the huge amount of equations and materials, one of the best ways to connect the dense info is to start with concepts from Lewis Dot concept, and then transition to the Hybridization and Molecular Geometry concept, where molecular geometry accuracy is dependent on the correct Lewis Structure.
Specifics of Catalyst on Reaction:
The definition of catalysts are also only covered conceptually on the exam. Specifically catalysts do not change the equilibrium constant value, but will always lower the activation energy of a reaction.
Specifics on Internal Energy:
Internal energy is a standard topic in AP CHEM curriculum, yet it’s rarely asked on historical AP exams.
Specifics on Kinetics Unit:
The “steady state approximation” derivation rarely shows up, and if it does appear on the test, the focus is on the pre-equilibrium approximation of the fast reversible mechanism step.
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Start learning AP CHEM testing strategies with a US based tutor as soon as tomorrow. No Contracts, No Packages, No Minimums, No Monthly Fees.
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